Thursday, September 01, 2022


A celebratory open house for Bill and Betty Hare, who are retiring this year after 58 years of service as managers of Camp Emmaus (Mount Morris, Ill.) took place on Sunday, Sept. 11. Hundreds of people poured into the camp despite a rainy day to greet Bill and Betty and thank them for their work and witness at the camp.

The event, organized by the camp board, originally was to be held at the camp pavilion but shifted into the main lodge due to the weather. The space featured a photo display and slide show, tables full of refreshments, tables for visiting and fellowship, and a long “thank you” banner that had been signed by summer campers and staff.

In the midst of it all, Bill and Betty sat on a pair of chairs in one nook where the long line of well-wishers could come by and express their love and gratitude. The Illinois/Wisconsin District joins them in saying a big THANK YOU to this wonderful couple for all the ways they have served the district and its camping ministry. We wish you well in retirement at the Pinecrest Community!