The Reflector - January 2025

Illinois & Wisconsin Districtof theChurch of the Brethren |
Dutchtown (Milledgeville): The congregation is currently using pulpit supply, with Tim Livengood and Randall Westfall among those periodically filling the pulpit. A new congregational profile is being developed, and a search committee is being formed. District executive Walt Wiltschek will be meeting with the board in February.
Highland Avenue (Elgin): Katie Shaw Thompson has announced her resignation as pastor effective Feb. 9. She has accepted a call as executive director of PADS of Elgin. The congregation is currently completing a congregational profile and calling a search committee. District executive Walt Wiltschek will meet with church leadership Feb. 16.
Lanark: Lynda Willmann retired effective Dec. 31. A search committee has been formed, and the congregational profile has been posted. Rick Koch will be serving as part-time interim from January to March, preaching two to three Sundays per month. Randall Westfall is also filling the pulpit once a month. District executive Walt Wiltschek met with the congregation on Jan. 12.
Woodland: Lisa Fike retired effective Dec. 31 to accept a call as pastor of Wabash (Ind.) Church of the Brethren. Local pastor Mathew Thiner is serving as an interim preacher and providing some pastoral care. Woodland member Kevin Sager is also helping to provide interim leadership, aided by a congregational team.
York Center: Christy Waltersdorff retired effective Dec. 31. A search committee has been formed, and a congregational profile has been published. Jonathan Shively and Tony Asta are serving as an interim pastoral team through June 30.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS for a special online workshop that will take place Saturday, Feb. 22, 9-11 a.m. Central, looking at "Changing Mindsets for Ministry." Our keynote leader will be Jeff MacDonald, a pastor and journalist from Massachusetts and author of Part-Time Is Plenty.
The workshop will look at changing models of congregational leadership, including shared ministry teams, greater involvement of lay leaders in the church's ministry, and helping church members re-conceptualize how they envision ministry and what constitutes a "successful" or vital church, among other topics. This free workshop is open to all and will take place on Zoom; the link will be sent out by late January.
Our district is offering this partnership with many of the surrounding Midwest/Plains districts, and with support from the denomination's Ministry Office. Clergy can receive 0.2 CEU’s. A flier was sent to the district list; contact the district office if you need a copy. Save the date and spread the word and we consider how we move forward in ministry together!
Registration for Church of the Brethren FaithX short-term service trips opened on Jan. 8 at The 2025 theme is “Living with Purpose.” The trips challenge participants to become more aware of themselves, their communities, and their world by serving alongside others following Christ’s example.
This coming year, FaithX participants will have the opportunity to serve in a variety of ministry and non-profit settings, live and worship in community, explore a new place, examine their values and beliefs, and have too much fun! A summary of the 2025 trip locations, with descriptions and pricing information, is at
The summer offerings include two junior high trips, four joint junior high/senior high trips, two senior high trips, one family experience July 25-27 at Camp Mardela in Maryland, and two adult trips (including an international venture to Uganda). Also available is an older adult trip, March 2-7 to Camp Ithiel in Gotha, Fla., near Orlando. Registration for that trip closes Feb. 1.
The planning team for the next National Older Adult Conference (NOAC), to be held Sept. 1-5, 2025, at Lake Junaluska, N.C., has announced the theme for the event: “Alive in the Spirit!”
The theme scripture is Romans 15:13: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (NRSVue).
The planning team includes Heidi Berkenbosch, Deanna Brown, Bonnie Kline Smeltzer, Leonard Matheny (Peoria First), Don Mitchell, Karlene Tyler, and coordinator Christy Waltersdorff (York Center). Debbie Noffsinger (Highland Avenue) designed the NOAC 2025 logo. Registration information and other details will be coming out soon.
• Feb. 11 & 18: “Luke and Acts: Turning the World Upside Down,” presented by Chris Bucher & Bob Neff
• March 11: “Standing in Solidarity: A Conversation about Race and Allyship,” presented by Eleanor Hubbard
• April 5: “A Place for Everybody: Creating Communities of Belonging,” presented by Jeanne Davies
Suggested donation is $25 per course. Learn more and register online at