Jonathan Shively and Tony Asta began their team interim service at York Center on Jan. 5 with a commissioning service for them and other church leaders, and an energetic “Kid Sunday.” They will be serving at York Center through June 30.
The Church of the Brethren will offer an in-person ethics training during the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference in Greensboro, N.C., on Wednesday, July 2, for those who still need it for this cycle. The district will plan to offer one more training through the denomination’s Ministry Office after that date for any others who still need to complete it. The training is required every five years as part of the ordination renewal cycle, which ends in 2025. All ministers should also begin gathering information for their CEU report, which will be due by mid-2025. Copies of the continuing education report form can be found at
Be in prayer for the 2025 Denominational Clergywomen’s Retreat, an every-five-years event sponsored by the Church of the Brethren Ministry office, that will take place Feb. 10-13 at San Pedro Spiritual Development Center in Winter Park, Fla., near Orlando. At least half a dozen women from our district are attending. The theme, drawn from Ephesians 5:2, is “Love the World Like Jesus: with Courage, Care, and Healing,” with keynote speaker Meghan Larissa Good, author and lead pastor of Trinity Mennonite Church in Phoenix. Cindy Weber (York Center) is among the planning team members.
Northwest region pastors will meet in Freeport on Jan. 21, 2 p.m. at the church.
Congregational vacancies:
Be in prayer for the 2025 Denominational Clergywomen’s Retreat, an every-five-years event sponsored by the Church of the Brethren Ministry office, that will take place Feb. 10-13 at San Pedro Spiritual Development Center in Winter Park, Fla., near Orlando. At least half a dozen women from our district are attending. The theme, drawn from Ephesians 5:2, is “Love the World Like Jesus: with Courage, Care, and Healing,” with keynote speaker Meghan Larissa Good, author and lead pastor of Trinity Mennonite Church in Phoenix. Cindy Weber (York Center) is among the planning team members.
Northwest region pastors will meet in Freeport on Jan. 21, 2 p.m. at the church.
Congregational vacancies:
Dutchtown (Milledgeville): The congregation is currently using pulpit supply, with Tim Livengood and Randall Westfall among those periodically filling the pulpit. A new congregational profile is being developed, and a search committee is being formed. District executive Walt Wiltschek will be meeting with the board in February.
Highland Avenue (Elgin): Katie Shaw Thompson has announced her resignation as pastor effective Feb. 9. She has accepted a call as executive director of PADS of Elgin. The congregation is currently completing a congregational profile and calling a search committee. District executive Walt Wiltschek will meet with church leadership Feb. 16.
Lanark: Lynda Willmann retired effective Dec. 31. A search committee has been formed, and the congregational profile has been posted. Rick Koch will be serving as part-time interim from January to March, preaching two to three Sundays per month. Randall Westfall is also filling the pulpit once a month. District executive Walt Wiltschek met with the congregation on Jan. 12.
Woodland: Lisa Fike retired effective Dec. 31 to accept a call as pastor of Wabash (Ind.) Church of the Brethren. Local pastor Mathew Thiner is serving as an interim preacher and providing some pastoral care. Woodland member Kevin Sager is also helping to provide interim leadership, aided by a congregational team.
York Center: Christy Waltersdorff retired effective Dec. 31. A search committee has been formed, and a congregational profile has been published. Jonathan Shively and Tony Asta are serving as an interim pastoral team through June 30.
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