Wednesday, September 01, 2004

District Transition Team Report

by Kevin Kessler, Pastor, Canton Church of the Brethren - Team Chairman

Communication needed a boost in the district. The Transition Team made it a priority to increase communication. One way that we are communicating district activity is through a website. The site address is There you will find Transition Team updates, names of the team’s members, the restructure paper, various announcements, links to other sites, and much more. We invite you to visit and browse the site. A district newsletter will be coming in the next few weeks. The Peoria congregation has graciously offered to create and send this valuable piece of district communication. Thank you, Peoria, for sharing your gifts in this way!

The seven called members of The Transition Team continue their diligent efforts to strengthen and build relationships among district congregations. This has been challenging and exciting work (getting to see the various ministries congregations are involved in). Liaisons bridge the gap between congregations and The Transition Team who are working to develop a more cohesive district. The results are positive. We feel more connected. If you have joys or concerns to share with the district, please contact your liaison. She/he will be happy to visit with you.

District restructuring caused the suspension of various portions of the Constitution and Bylaws. We formed a team to revise and update the present constitution and bylaws in accordance with the new structure. The complete and updated document will be decided on at District Conference. This updated document will be mailed to congregations at least 30 days prior to conference giving delegates the opportunity to review it and to be able to make an informed decision at conference...

Funding our district continues to be a challenge. Budget income projections were ambitious and we anticipated that projections will be nearly $7,000 short. This shortfall challenges our meeting necessary expenses and building new and important district ministries. A Funding Team is working on these challenges. You may receive a call asking if a member of this team can visit and make a presentation regarding this matter. Please know that your contributions to the district are deeply appreciated. Your prayer support and gifts of service are also deeply appreciated.

New Church Development Board and Transition Team
The New Church Development Board and The Transition Team are two separate bodies, but they are both still the district. Each body has distinct responsibilities that aim at the same goal of increasing the vital ministries of future and existing congregations within our district. These two bodies are focused to work together more closely and with a singular purpose in mind. Details of this plan will be presented in future communications as efforts begin to gel.

District Minister
Our District Minister, Jim Yaussy Albright provides leadership for both The Transition Team (TT) and the New Church Development Board (NCDB). This new paradigm for our district and requires a new understanding of the District Minister’s role. The paradigm shifts the focus of the way Brother Jim relates to the district. We have expected the District Minister to always be available and to always be the one to turn to with questions and concerns. This is an overwhelming expectation with which to live in our new structure. A more workable solution is for the District Minister to be a trainer, a coach, and a mentor to a cadre of persons who will do some of the tasks once expected of only the District Minister. This is a more efficient system of accomplishing more work. As the old saying goes, “Many hands make light work.” Presently, congregational liaisons assist with this work. We plan for a specific body of persons to assist with this work... As the plan becomes more defined, more information will be made available. Stay tuned.

Hopefully, this brief summary of The Transition Team activity indicates a group of people committed to serve and enhance the IL/WI District of the Church of the Brethren. There are many things to be thankful for and much to celebrate; yet there is also much to be done. But even that is a positive, since we are called to work rather than to be idle. The Transition Team covets your prayers, for the teams work and for the ministries that are occurring in our district because of you--member congregations, fellowships, and projects. Blessings in your ministries as you serve our Lord, Jesus Christ.


Kevin Kessler