Tuesday, March 01, 2005

New Church Development Board (NCDB)

2005 is starting out to be a very busy year for the NCDB. The board has met three times already in 2005. Goals have been set for the Board as well as for the Apostle (Jim Yaussy Albright). Workshops have been developed and are ready to be taken to congregations. The Board is looking for the best method of getting the word out. Here is a short list of the workshops developed for use in congregations: Servant-Evangelism; Personal Evangelism Training; Learning to “Grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ” - 2 Peter 3:18; Planting Brethren Churches; What does God want for your church? Percept Tools; The Power of Coaching; Church Planting (our vision); Reaching the Next Generation. There are conversations with Church Planters and discussion on how God is leading the Board and our District to move forward with the Word of Christ in Illinois and Wisconsin.

The NCDB is off to an exciting year, and I am only the Moderator-Elect setting in as an ex-officio. I think we have much to watch for as the Lord leads the NCDB to grow the love of Jesus in our District and for our District.

- Leonard W. Matheny, Moderator-Elect