Thursday, September 01, 2005

Let's Gather Together at "Gathering 2006"


It's an experience you simply should not miss. Dream with me for a moment… what would it be like if all the pastors, staff, volunteer leaders, deacon's (elders), team or committee members and emerging leaders from your church had a chance to get together for a three day retreat to listen and learn from some of the top church leadership experts on topics such as church development, church planting, how to lead a turn around church, leadership development, worship and much, much more.

Let's take the dream just a step further… what if all people from your church could get together with all the other church of the Brethren leaders in the Illinois/Wisconsin District at the same time for a three day retreat.

Dream a little more… what if the meeting place were some place like, oh I don't know… Largo Florida, and let's say in the middle of cold weather like January. More specifically-January 10,11,12 - 2006.

It's not a dream! The Illinois/Wisconsin New Church Development Board is picking up the tab for ANYONE who would like to attend a three day conference in warm and sunny Largo Florida. The offer includes airfare (if needed) hotel, and the cost of the conference. No gimmicks! The only requirement is that you fill out a registration form and send in a one page essay on "why I think I should attend this conference."

The Conference is called "The Gathering 2006." All the details are on a PDF file or you can go online to to learn more.

Offers like this don't come along very often. I believe that it will be a fun filled, inspirational and relational time together. I also believe that as we meet together in this retreat-we'll meet God in the midst of our "gathering."

Tom DeVore
Lead Pastor and Church Planter
Christ Connections Community Church
a Church of the Brethren