Greeting from your District Chair

I look forward to the opportunity to serve and represent you as your chair. I ask that you keep in mind that we ( you and this team ) are the district and we need to continue to work on our differences in the loving respect that Christ has taught us. True growth in the spirit of our Lord is to work through the challenges that he presents to us. Although we can't always agree we need to know that each of us sees thing from a different point of view and we also come to our own understanding at different points in our lives.
My prayer is that I will always respect the differences that are brought before me and know that God is not done with me yet. As I error on my journey I know that the grace of God is with me. His love and patience are ever present as he provides for me the opportunity to make mistakes along my journey. We all need to know the grace that He has given to us and continue to bring our differences to the tables for discussion. Only through this can we become more like Christ and continue growing in our walk together.

In February our district is going to join the denomination in a conference being held at New Windsor Maryland. This conference is titled 'Can We Talk ?'. Together, conversations on being the church. We find this very exciting as we feel the need in our own district. This conference is being held February 24 through 26. As this is not a budgeted item we are asking that anyone feeling able to help support our travel please do so. We also ask your support in prayer. More information will be coming at a later date. You can find some information at
This year's theme 'Be Still and Know That I Am God' is very appropriate at this time. We do need to learn to be still and listen to what God is trying to bring to us. I'll never claim to be right. I'll only claim to be seeking the truth through Jesus Christ our Lord. I ask that this year be the year that we come together as children of God, listening and loving along the way, seeking to know the truth through our Lord.
This is going to be an exciting year. Our district is an important part of all of our lives. We need to come Together at this time. We need to be still. We need to build the unity that Christ is all about.
In Christ we pray
Guy Ball
District Leadership Team Chair
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