Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Spring 2006 Illinois/Wisconsin District Senior High Youth Retreat

WHERE: Freeport Church of the Brethren, Freeport, Ill.

WHEN: March 17-19, 2006. Registration begins at 7:30 p.m. Friday. The retreat ends following worship on Sunday. REGISTRATIONS ARE DUE BY MARCH 10! We need at least 12 people registered by this date, or the retreat will be cancelled.

WHO: Everyone currently in 9th through 12th grades. Friends are always welcome!

COST: $30 (fee waived for advisors accompanying youth)

LEADERSHIP: Our keynote speaker will be Tom Benevento, the Latin America/ Caribbean specialist for the Church of the Brethren General Board. Tom lives in Goshen, Ind. but spends much of his time in Central America working with the poor and the marginalized. He is also an artist and enjoys working on bikes.

THEME: "Living Simply." In the middle of the Brethren tagline, between "Peacefully" and "Together," is that word, "Simply." Brethren consider simple living a significant part of continuing Jesus' work. Living simply, however, isn't always so simple. What does it mean to live simply in today's consumer-oriented world, and in a country where having "things" is so important? Tom and his family have modeled a life of simplicity and sustainability. He will share from that experience.

OTHER ACTIVITIES: Worship (including leadership in Sunday morning's service at Freeport), games and recreation, a service project, NYC preview, and plenty of fun, food, and fellowship.