York Center CoB
in Lombard, Illinois
Conference is almost here. Where has the year gone? It has been a year of new experiences in the Lord for me. I have done, seen, heard, LISTENED, LEARNED, and tried to SERVE the past eleven months (one more to go). God has opened my eyes and my heart in ways that I couldn’t imagine. The three words are all in capitals because, this is what I feel God called me to do this year. I knew if I did these three things as I traveled around the District, worshiping, attending meetings and celebrations, I would be blessed. Praise the Lord what a blessing I have received.
I invite you to come to District Conference. If you have been many times, I pray you will find the friends from the past / present. If this is your first time you are thinking to come to conference, come see. I pray that all will be touched by our Lord in some way during the weekend. There will be wonderful worship services. Sunday morning’s message will be brought by Annual Conference Moderator Belita Mitchel. Both Friday evening and Sunday morning worships will be full of different opportunities to worship and praise God. The program following the Saturday evening dinner should be enjoyable and fun. We will start with our very own Christian Comedian, Scott Sturtevant from the Lanark CoB. He will have all ages in stitches. Then we will enjoy the musical group the “Community Renewal Chorus”. We will send ourselves off with a good old fashion hymn sing. Bring your favorite hymn to suggest!! The Youth have an Ice Cream Social planned. Yes, ice cream!! Boy are we Brethren!! I can’t forget the Sunday morning Insight sessions. It will be hard to pick which one to attend. Then there is business. Here is where I really got a little crazy. We are going to do all, yes all (Lord willing), the business in the morning, but don’t miss the afternoon!! It is going to be a time of celebration!!! We have three LIVE reports you won’t want to miss. There will be a time of open prayer to share the joys and concerns with the body of Christ. A time of Anointing for healing will conclude our prayer time.
Please come, because YOU are the District. If you cannot attend, please be in prayer all during the weekend for God’s will to be done among us, the people of the Illinois and Wisconsin District!
In service to Christ,
Leonard W. Matheny, 2006 Moderator
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