Saturday, March 10, 2007


The Illinois Wisconsin District Leadership Team asked if Lisa Fike would coordinate transportation for the District Jr. High youth to attend the first ever National Jr. High Conference being held this June 15-17, 2007 at Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, PA.

Jr. High youth groups should NOW be making arrangements to attend. Some of you may not have heard much about the conference. You should check it out at keyword "Youth/Young Adult"; look for the Jr. High Ministries heading and then look for National Jr. High Conference. Pastors have received a brochure to share with youth and their leaders. The leadership looks wonderful, (i.e. Tony Campolo, Ted and Lee, Ken Medema).

If your youth group would like to be a part of a district bus traveling to N.J.H.C. Registrations for the conference are already underway. We are in a time crunch.

Please let me know if your church would like to participate in district wide travel. It would be very helpful if you can give me an educated guess as to the number of participants from your congregation. Also if you are not sending anyone this time forward that information, too.

Contact: Lisa Fike, Pastor, Freeport Church of the Brethren, 777 W. Pleasant St., Freeport, IL 61032