Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Church of the Brethren Annual Conference - Cleveland, Ohio

June 30-July 4, 2007

Summary of Actions of the 2007 Annual Conference
(See official 2007 minutes when published)

Refer to 2007 Annual Conference Booklet pages as identified

Reports. Numbers 1-11 (pages 74-through 205)
Reports numbers 1-11 were received
Unfinished Business Items 1-4
  1. Query: Doing Church Business (pgs. 206-223)
    Action of the 2007 Annual Conference: Annual Conference passed the following response to the report of the Doing Church Business Study Committee: "That we receive the intent of the report as resource and Study information in answer to the query, and that the recommendations be viewed as possible options for use in future Annual Conferences as future Annual Conference officers deem appropriate." Prior to the approval of that decision, the report was amended on page 221, lines 38-39, by replacing the words, "appointed by Annual
    Conference Council," with a new sentence: "A slate for the process committee will be discerned by the Nominating Committee of Standing Committee and brought to the delegate body for affirmation." It was understood that the Nominating Committee would bring this report back to a future Conference.

  2. Query: Becoming a Multi-Ethnic Church/Cross Cultural Ministries (pgs. 224-264)
    Action of the 2007 Annual Conference: Annual Conference approved the report of the Intercultural Study Committee. Note: the committee made a number of changes to the report that is printed in the booklet. The changes will be incorporated in the official minutes.

  3. Brethren Medical Plan Resolution (pgs. 265~275)
    Action of the 2007 Annual Conference: Annual Conference approved the report of the study committee with one amendment. The amendment was on page 274, line 35, to replace the words "attempt to find" with the words "mutually assist in finding." Prior lo introducing their report, the study committee changed recommendation # 1 (page 274, line 28) to read:
    1. That the medical insurance component of the Brethren Medical Plan for active ministers group be phased out while allowing BBT to continue to explore the viability of the Plan for the church related agencies and/or members of the Ministers' Group who are currently retired or retire in the future and who are age 65 or older. This change was included in the action to approve the report.

  4. The Review and Evaluation Committee (pgs. 276-285)
    Action of the 2007 Annual Conference: The report of the Review and Evaluation Committee was approved with one amendment. The amendment was to delete the initials "U.S.A." from lines 5 and 28 on page 282.

New Business Items 1-5
  1. Query: Child Abuse Prevention (pgs. 286~287)
    Action of the 2007 Annual Conference: Annual Conference accepted the query with thanks and referred its concerns to the Association of Brethren Caregivers.

  2. Query: Annual Conference Schedule (page 288)
    Action of the 2007 Annual Conference: In recognition of the fact that Annual Conference officers and committees are already working at this issue, Annual Conference accepted the concerns of the query and passed it to the Annual Conference officers and staff, the Program and Arrangements Committee, and the Annual Conference for consideration.

  3. Query: Reverse Membership TI-end (pgs, 289-290)
    Action of the 2007 Annual Conference: Annual Conference adopted the query and provided the following answer.

    The Church of the Brethren's commission is c1ear:
    Go therefore and make disciples of all nations. baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirt, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28: 19~20 (NRSV)
    However, as stated in the 1981 Study Committee report, "Diminishing Membership in the Church of the Brethren":
    For far too long we have allowed our uncertainties to inhibit our evangelism and we have been hesitant share enthusiastically our convictions about God's love and grace .... It will take more than passing a statement at Annual Conference to change the trend of diminishing membership in the Church of the Brethren .... {We} will need.. a wil1ingness to let the Holy Spirit lead us in being and in making disciples.
    We affirm the work and continuing validity of the 1981 paper and encourage all Church of the Brethren agencies, districts, congregations and individuals to revisit the principles and recommendations it contains. We should also confess and repent of our complacency in living out and sharing our faith with others.

    Therefore, we recommend that:
    • Congregations provide opportunities for studying the 1981 Study Committee report, "Diminishing Membership in the Church of the Brethren;" actively review ways in which they interact with "the world;" work at not only being an inviting presence and witness for Christ, but also identify the ways in which they have become an impediment bringing others into relationship with Christ; seek ways to invite others to faith in Jesus Christ and membership in the church: and report these activities to the district.
    • Districts actively create opportunities for congregations to share stories of success with an emphasis placed upon encouragement, education and spiritual formation: and that they submit written reports through their Standing Committee delegates to be shared with Standing Committee in 2008 and 2009. We further encourage the Annual Conference officers and the Program and Arrangements Committee to find ways to celebrate these reports in the larger Annual Conference context in 2008 and beyond.
    • All Annual Conference agencies develop a strategy to mentor, coach, or develop tools to assist in the transformation of attitudes, actions, skills, habits and spiritual depth. They should provide a written copy of their strategy when they report to the 2008 Standing Committee during the time allotted for agency reports.

  4. Update to Annual Conference Polity (pgs, 291.292)
    Action of the 2007 Annual Conference: Annual Conference approved the changes to the rotation of Conference locations.

  5. Recommendation Regarding Christian Churches Together (pgs. 293294)
    Action of the 2007 Annual Conference: Annual Conference approved the Church of the Brethren becoming a full participant in Christian Churches Together in the USA.