Monday, October 01, 2007


As I write, the State Fair is over, school is back in session, and District Conference is right around the corner! So just what has happened in the realm of Church Planting since our last district conference? Here are some items I recalled from reviewing meeting minutes of your New Church Development Board.

November 2006 - We welcome Kay Weller of Virden CoB to the board, Apostle start-up agreement approved, Coaching Services agreement approved for Lynda DeVore as Apostle and Tom DeVore as a planter, MAA insurance clarifies us as a related ministry not a commission of the Leadership Team also bonding is increased for financial secretary and treasurer positions from $2,500 to $25,000.

December - Apostle first report of goals and activities received, and the district study/protocol committee is off to a good start. An assumed business name form will be filed so we can use “Great Harvest Church Planting” as the name of our movement.

February - We welcome Dawn Blackman of Champaign CoB to the board replacing Tom DeVore, the Apostle is making contacts within the district to encourage interest in planting efforts, NCDB discusses need to clarify financial controls and separation of duties for a plant, also heard information on fellowships Christ Connections Community Church and New Beginnings Fellowship (formerly Faith Batavia), a number of transitions have taken place, both joys and concerns.

March - We approved documents “Expectations Interview” and “Steps to Church Planting in the IL/WI District” as worksheets for use when sitting down with a new planter to check-off and initial the items. This is one part of insuring that the planter is committed to Brethren ideals.

May - Financial audit of NCDB books completed with no findings, inquiries of interest in church planting received, some requesting information, others expressing interest to be involved in the areas of Madison, WI and Minooka, IL., also we regret to hear of the closing of Christ Connections Community Church, an update on the study committee shows some good realistic ideas are being discussed, and a sample start-up budget for a new church plant is prepared.

June - We continue to miss brother Paul Kohler as he continues to gain strength after surgery. Apostle is making more contacts and is eager to speak around the district, she is also helping to plan the church planting conference for May 2008 at Bethany, our church planting movement website is, Jim Mack financial secretary since 2004 is replaced by Jack Flores also of Highland Avenue CoB. A 2008 budget is prepared for conference that includes funding start-up for up to three church plants. Discussion also includes co-sponsoring a non-business district conference event next year with the leadership team. Special note: Annie Sales sure makes super strawberry pies!

July - Apostle is in conversation with three people within the district about church planting and one has submitted an application, Paul Kohler returns and it is good to hear his voice and have him present, the contract with Percept for demographics data will not be renewed as there are now free and low cost options available, the district study committee work continues and we spend significant time discussing how to meet needs that current polity does not address, the theme for our district conference report will be “CELEBRATIONS”.

August - We agree to pay for the Apostle to complete training in Natural Church Development. It is beneficial for the district to have someone trained to administer and coach this program for church health. A second church planter application has been received. This one is from the Alton, IL area. Reference, background and assessments will be scheduled for the applicants.

Visit the NCDB booth at District Conference in Freeport. In the meantime, your NCDB is on the web at and

Submitted by Terry Link
Secretary New Church Development Board Sept 2007