Monday, February 05, 2007

February 2007 -- Vol 4 Issue 2

Church Night at Yellow Creek Church of the Brethren

Recently the area churches from Pearl City began to address the need for a dedicated church night that avoided conflict with the sports schedules of our conference. This concern was discussed before but we thought that it was time to bring it up again. First, we obtained a list of all the schools in our conference. Then we began a letter campaign to the churches in the conference. We followed up with a meeting with the school superintendents who were on the conference committee that sets sports schedules.

We found out that the schedules are set two years in advance and that the schools favored a dedicated church night too. One superintendent stated that the schools realize that a student with a good spiritual upbringing provides the school with a better student and society with a better citizen. Praise God!

Our meeting with the superintendents resulted in a decision of Wednesday night as a dedicated church night and cooperation of the league to set aside that night to be free of school sport activities. There will be exceptions of course but the cooperation of the schools was fantastic. It will take two years to implement. The schools assured church leaders that attempts would be in place to avoid the shifting of other school activities to the open night created by this agreement. The schools control the use of the buildings so the facilities would not be available on Wednesday nights.

We intend to keep the dialogue in place with the schools and with each church so changes in staff do not interfere with the process. We also intend to circulate this idea to other conferences and other parts of the country and see what God will do. Perhaps this could be the beginning of a very good thing.

Ellis Boughton, Pastor. Yellow Creek Church of the Brethren

Hello and Happy New Year to All

We had a very busy holiday season and would like to thank you all for your good wishes and response for the tool trailer and Rockford assistance appeal. We have no further updates on the Rockford project right now, but do have news about a new project in Louisiana slated for February 25-March 3. It's filling up fast. Interested volunteers should contact us as soon as possible.

New Windsor is having trouble filling projects for the Easter weeks. Churches interested in taking a week would be most appreciated. What better way to celebrate a re-birth than to help those in need of rising again from their personal trauma.

Many inquiries arrived asking about the trailer fund. We have an estimate but don't have hard numbers to present right now. Many pledges haven't been posted yet. We expect the financial statement next month and will have an announcement. The fund increased to at least $3500 with about $2500 - $3000 still expected in pledges. Tim and Paul are trailer shopping right now, expecting to make the purchase as soon as funds are secured.

Details on the new project are elsewhere in this newsletter. We are in the process of getting this posted to the disaster response web site. Thanks and God Bless for all the continued and enthusiastic support!

Carolyn and Tim

Katrina Project in Chalmette, LA

Brethren Disaster Response announces the opening of our 4th active Katrina recovery project as of Feb. 11, 2007. This project is based in Chalmette, Louisiana. IL/WI is slated for February 25 - March 3

Chalmette is in St. Bernard Parish where Katrina caused levee failures inundated homes throughout the parish with 6-20 feet of water for over 2 weeks. Over 200 parish residents lost their lives, and 100% percent of the homes were officially declared "uninhabitable." Nearly 50% of the residents were senior citizens.

Work to Be Done: Brethren Disaster Response will coordinate with the St. Bernard Project, a local all-volunteer organization. The city has demolished houses and cleared debris. Volunteers will do major repair work including insulation, drywall, laminate flooring, plumbing, electric, roofing, etc. These basics will allow people to get back into their homes.

Volunteer Housing: The St. Bernard Project has obtained seven trailers from FEMA for the Brethren volunteers. Five trailers are for the work crews and two for the project directors. The trailers are in a trailer community of Katrina survivors. The trailers sleep 3 persons each, for a maximum of 15. If you have both men and women, each gender needs to be in multiples of 3. If not it will reduce your group size to 13 or 14. The trailers are air-conditioned and equipped with one double bed and one single bed, a bathroom and a kitchenette.

Volunteer Meals: Volunteers should eat breakfast and pack their lunch in their trailer. Suppers are provided for volunteers free of charge at Camp Hope, about 4 miles away. COOKS ARE NOT NEEDED. Camp Hope has a coin-operated laundry.

What to Bring: All volunteers need to bring their own bedding, pillow and towels.

Note: We still have some open dates in May at all 4 projects.

Christian Mediation and Conciliation Workshop

Are you a natural peacemaker? Have you been searching for a way to help people work through their differences? The Ministry of Reconciliation of On Earth Peace has a workshop for you. Join us Friday/Saturday for two weekends in May (4-5)(11-12) for a refreshing, Biblical approach to interpersonal peacemaking. Learn effective communication skills, conflict theory, how to understand and work with style differences in communication and mediation skills. This is an introductory level mediation course.

Schedule: Fridays, May 4 and 11, 9 am to 9 pm (with breaks), Saturdays, May 5 and 12, 9 am to 4 pm.

Where: Crest Manor Church of the Brethren, South Bend, IN.

Cost: $200 per person, including materials, or 3 or more individuals from one congregation/non-profit organization for $500.

Leaders: Janet Mitchell, Attorney-mediator and MoR Practitioner, and Annie Clark, MoR Coordinator Continuing Education Units are available to Church of the Brethren ministers.

To register, send name, contact info and number of participants to Annie Clark at

Registration deadline is April 10, 2007. Phone: (260) 982-8595

Talented Leaders of Illinois-Wisconsin District

How many of us within our District are aware of the amazing talent pool we have in District Leadership!

First, there is Kevin Kessler, our new District Executive - long-time pastor, long-time banker, and now in a new, but very familiar, role.

Next, there is Joyce Person, our new District Moderator - long-time nursing supervisor, long-time Director of Resident Services, soon ending an Interim Pastorate in her home church.

Introducing our new Moderator-Elect - Jerry Sales - long-time Technology Manager in industry, graduate of the TRIM program, and now involved with more and deeper theology studies, and soon to finish his first Pastorate at the Franklin Grove Church of the Brethren.

Wow! What a "Pool of Talent"!

Submitted by Wilbur Bowman, Chair, District Leadership Team 815-946-2301, 15-632-8502,

Short Biographies

District Executive: Kevin L. Kessler, age 48, married Tammy L Klinedinst and have two daughters, Mendy Toland and Kasey Stenger. He was born and raised near the village of Ipava, IL, 8 miles north of Astoria, IL. Graduated from V.I.T. High School in 1976;. Worked at the Ipava State Bank for 17 years; Graduated from the Illinois Bankers School in 1983.

Kevin was licensed to the ministry in 1992. Was called to full-time ministry in the Canton (IL) Church of the Brethren in 1994. He entered Education for a Shared Ministry (EFSM) in 1994 and graduated in 1997., He was ordained at that time.. Kevin begin work for an Associates Degree at Spoon River College in Canton; He was called to District Executive to begin serving January 1, 2007. Kevin has served in the district as District Board; Stewards Commission Chair; Board Chair; Transition Team Chair; Moderator-elect; Moderator (very short term); Study committees.

Moderator: F. Joyce Person from Polo, Il was married to Richard Person in 1957. They have 3 children and 9 grandchildren. She was licensed (1991) and Ordained (1994) to the ministry in Polo Church of the Brethren. Joyce is a Registered Nurse 1954-2001 (still licensed)

She graduated from Polo Community High School 1954 graduated from Swedish American Hospital School of Nursing 1957; Attended Manchester College 1957-1958 and Northern Illinois University 1978, graduating with B.S. in Nursing.; graduated from University of Illinois College of Nursing 1994 with M.S. in Nursing Administration. She also took the 3 Year Reading Course 1991-1993

Her credentials include: KSB Hospital Nursing Director 28 years (1960-1988); Pinecrest Community Resident Services Director (1988-2001); Polo Church of the Brethren Interim Pastor (2004-March 1, 2007); Vacation Bible School at Mud Lick Church of the Brethren, Manchester, Kentucky Her church work includes: Church Organist 1947-2004, Choir Accompanist 2000-March 1, 2007 Short Term Mission Work in Puerto Rico, Honduras, and Nigeria; Church Board Chair, Commission member and chair, Life Deacon, IL/WI District Ethics Committee IL/WI Personnel & Nominating Committee; Head Teller for Annual Conference for 20+ years (I don't know exactly how many)

Moderator Elect: Jerry Sales is married to Annie. They have 5 grown children and live in Eureka, IL. Jerry graduated from the TRIM (Training in Ministry) program offered by the Brethren Academy at Bethany in 2005 He is currently enrolled at Bethany in the Certificate of Achievement in Theological Studies (CATS) He has been the Pastor at Franklin Grove from April 2003 until Feb. 2007. Jerry is the IT manager at Human Service Center in Peoria.

Jerry's ministry is bi-vocational. Jerry attended the Travel Seminar course in Taize, France. He continues to enjoy fellowship with the other students. Jerry holds a Masters in Mathematics and Bachelors in Education from Illinois State University.. He entered Bethany's Certificate of Achievement in Theological Studies (CATS) program, in case he decides to pursue an M.Div. or M.A.T.H. in the future.

The Amazing Race: Continuing the work of Jesus

National Jr. High Conference
June 15-17, 2007
Elizabethtown College, Pennsylvania

"...If any want to become my followers, let them take up their cross daily and follow me." Luke 9:23

The first ever National Junior High Conference!

Where Junior High youth can begin to get a taste of a mini NYC-kind of experience!

Gather at Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania for a weekend packed with high energy worship, active-learning workshops, music, games, food, fun and fellowship.

We hope this unique opportunity will help junior high youth grow closer to God, understand more of their Brethren heritage, and form life-long friendships with other Brethren young people. For adult advisors, we offer outstanding workshops for learning new skills in junior high ministry to inspire and empower their leadership back home.

You don’t want to miss this weekend!

Spring Youth Retreat

Name the Newsletter

This is the forth year of our “new” District Newsletter. It is time to name it! Please submit the name you would like to call the District Newsletter to the editors. The target would be to have a name by the March edition (which should be out the last week of February). Please help us come up with a good Christ calling name. Thanks for your help!
Editors: Gil Crosby at and Leonard Matheny at