Tuesday, January 01, 2008


April 24-27, 2008 Elgin, IL

During this 300th anniversary year of the Church of the Brethren, the 2008 Cross Cultural Consultation and Celebration will be held in Elgin, IL, the home of the General Offices. Elgin is a significant location in Brethren history. We gather to look ahead and envision where God is leading our Church. Our time in Elgin provides us an opportunity to see the offices of several Brethren agencies and meet their staff. We will visit congregations in the greater Chicago area as hosts for meals and worship. We gather for prayer, worship and to strengthen existing relationships or to begin new ones. We gather in Jesus' name as we further the Kingdom's vision expressed in Revelation 7:9.

There will be no set fee for meals but participants can contribute towards expenses during the worship offering opportunities. Our meals will come from a professional catering company and Brethren congregations in the Chicago area. Vegetarian meals will be available.

There is no registration fee for this event. Free will offerings will be collected during the worship service each evening to offset expenses for meals, airport transportation, travel and other expenses.

Options for housing are two hotels in the Elgin area and staying in a private home. Your hosts will provide transportation each day to the Church of the Brethren General Offices, and provide breakfast. You may also make your own housing arrangements.

Airport transportation:
Those who are flying, transportation will be provided to and from the airport.

Registration & schedule information:
Online registration will open Dec. 1. If you'd like to register before then, please send in the paper registration form (PDF) or e-mail Joy Willrett at jwillrett_gb@brethren.org

You may also request this information directly by contacting:
Joy Willrett, Congregational Life
Team, 1451 Dundee Avenue,
Elgin, IL 60120 1-800-323-8039

Cross Cultural Ministry Team Mission Statement:
We are called to enrich and strengthen the Church of the Brethren by our unity as people of color, modeling for the larger church the blessings of being one as God's people.
--adopted October 2000

District Executive Note:
I encourage all pastors, congregational leaders, and district leaders to attend this event. A paper approved at Annual Conference this past summer draws our attention to becoming more proactively involved in cross culture and interculture awareness and ministry. The opportunity to participate in an awareness raising event is in our backyard. Please plan to attend!