Thursday, May 01, 2008


Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


On Sunday morning, July 13, Church of the Brethren Moderator Jim Beckwith and Brethren Church Moderator Tom Schiefer will place water from the Eder River and Wissahickon Creek (where the first baptisms in Germantown were held) into a worship center of flowing waters. We invite you to participate in this time by bringing a sample of the baptismal waters from the congregations in your district.

Brother Jim has expressed his desire to celebrate “the faithfulness of all who have become parts of the Body of Christ through baptism into the Brethren Movement since 1708.” Your water will be offered in Sunday morning’s processional as a “symbol of faithfulness of the Brethren in your area.” Both denominations will have each district identified as a processional of representatives moves forward and pours its vial into the flowing worship center. One way to gather this sample would be to have water brought together from the baptismal sites of your district's congregations. Then a small sample of those accumulated waters could be taken to represent all the baptismal sites in your district.

We believe this can be done fairly easily in a small, tightly closed vial brought to Annual Conference in checked baggage. A second invitation is being extended for you to bring a foot washing basin, to be used in the Wednesday morning worship service. These basins will be used to as a symbol of commitment to our faith as we move forward from celebrating this 300th anniversary. Please let me know if you are able to bring a basin as well as participate in the Sunday morning processional. A time of instruction for your district’s representative will be needed prior to these services, and further information will follow.

Blessings to you all as we continue to surrender to God, be transformed in Christ, and empowered by the Spirit in this anniversary year and always.


Kristi A. Kellerman
2008 worship service coordinator
cc: Jim Beckwith, Tom Schiefer, Lerry Fogle