Tuesday, July 01, 2008

2008 District Calendar

4 Independence Day
10 - 12 Council of Dist. Executive's Summer meeting, Richmond, VA
12 - 16 Annual Conference, Richmond, VA
26 District Leadership Team, Springfield
28 Pleasant Hill Village Board Meeting
2 District Program and Arrangements Committee, Peoria
3 300th Anniversary Celebration Sunday
3 300th Anniversary Celebration in Schwarzenau, Germany
9 MLDT Meeting at Mendota
11 - 15 National Young Adult Conference, Estes Park, CO
1 Labor Day
1 -5 National Older Adult Conference, Lake Junaluska, NC
6 District Leadership Team, Neighborhood
14 Bethany Sunday
27 MLDT Meeting at Mendota
OctoberDisabilities Awareness and Domestic Violence Awareness Month
5 World Communion Sunday
12 World Mission Offering Emphasis
13 Columbus Day
16 World Food Day
16 National Boss Day
16 - 24 Peace With Justice Week
18 - 20 General Board Meetings, Elgin
18 District Leadership Team, Yellow Creek
19 National Children's Sabbath
26 - 28 Midwest District Executives' Fall Retreat, Dayton OH
1All Saint's Day
1MLDT Meeting - place TBA
2National Junior High Sunday
2Daylight Saving Time Ends
4 Election Day
7 - 9 District Conference, Peoria COB
9 Stewardship Sunday
11 Veterans Day
16 Bible Sunday
16 National Donor Sabbath
27 Thanksgiving
30 First Sunday in Advent
1World AIDS Day
6District Leadership team, Champaign
7Second Sunday in Advent
7Christmas Emphasis Offering
10Human Rights Day