Monday, September 01, 2008

Pursuing Peace

2008 Illinois/Wisconsin Fall District Youth Retreat
November 7-9
Peoria (Ill.) Church of the Brethren

Why is the Church of the Brethren a “Historic Peace Church”? What does that even mean? How did the Bible and our heritage shape those beliefs? And how do we live it out today when the world if full of so much violence?

Come spend a full and fun weekend with friends exploring these questions along with time for games, recreation, music, good food, and more.

The details:

WHERE: Peoria Church of the Brethren, 4714 N. Sheridan Rd., Peoria, Ill.

WHEN: Nov. 7-9, 2008. Registration will begin at 7 p.m. We will stay for opening worship, then going to our retreat space for the weekend. We will end around noon Sunday, with the conclusion of district conference closing worship.

WHO: Everyone currently in 9th through 12th grades, and advisors.

LEADERSHIP: Marie Rhoades of On Earth Peace

WHAT: A weekend filled with fun, learning, worship, food, and time with friends.

COST: $30 (free for advisors). Additional registration forms are available at Registrations are due by OCTOBER 28!

WANT MORE INFO? See the district youth website,