Saturday, November 01, 2008

The Reflector -- November 2008 -- Vol 5 Issue 10


On October 14, 1883 Brethren dedicated the meeting house near Low Point, Illinois. The Oak Grove congregation began as a preaching point of the Pigeon Creek Church. Thirteen (13) members formed the nucleus of the Oak Grove congregation.

The Oak Grove meetinghouse was built in “Bricktown” so called because of the brick kilns near the church location. Farmers say that bricks still show up in the fields when being prepared for planting. Michael Wagner donated one acre to build a church; He also gave land to build the Bricktown School.

After years without a permanent Pastor the congregation, in 1924, advertised in the Messenger for a Minister. Brother M. A. Whisler came to Oak Grove from McFarland, Iowa to accept the call to Oak Grove. He was paid $25 a month to lead the flock. The District Mission Board assisted Oak Grove in meeting expenses. Brother Whisler was ordained an Elder in 1928 and served with his wife, Sadie, until his passing in 1976.

In 1939 the Church burned to the ground after some children tried to start a fire in the stove. The congregation and community came together to build a new building which was dedicated on December 17, 1939.. Oak Grove was active in forming the Peoria Church of the Brethren, working from 1936 until the dedication of that church in 1948. Peoria celebrated their 60 Anniversary this year.

Sunday October 12th Oak Grove celebrated their 125th Anniversary with a special remembrance service held after a Potluck. Past Pastors, members and friends gathered in the sanctuary to hear a short history, sing a lined hymn, listen to remarks from the past and hear from Pastor Charles Buegel. Oak Grove’s oldest member, 96 year old Leona Hardman, attended the ceremony at the church. Heidi Renken prepared a DVD presentation of past and present events that have taken place at Oak Grove.

Some of the history that appears in this article came from “History” by David Shumate who was a Pastor at Oak Grove.

Submitted by Gil Crosby, Moderator, Oak Grove

Bulletin: Congress Renews IRA Gift Opportunity

Congress has passed the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, which extends for 2008 and 2009 an expired provision permitting IRA owners age 70½ and older to make distributions to qualified organizations of up to $100,000 per year (Tax Extenders and Alternative Minimum Tax Relief Act of 2008, H.R. 1424).

No income tax deductions are available for IRA “qualified charitable distributions,” but donors may save taxes anyway, where gifts take the place of required minimum distributions (which otherwise are 100% taxable).

To make a 2008 gift from an IRA, donors should contact their IRA trustee or custodian as soon as possible – preferably before receiving any required minimum distributions. Transfers for 2008 must be completed by December 31, 2008. Distribution checks should be issued in the name of a qualified charity, not to the account owner, with notification to the charity.

The rules are the same as for IRA gifts made in 2006 and 2007:

Donors must be age 70½ or older and own a traditional or Roth IRA. Other retirement plans, such as pensions, 401(k) plans and others are not eligible.

Only the IRA trustee can transfer gift amounts to a qualified organization. If IRA owners withdraw funds and then contribute them to charity separately, amounts withdrawn will be included in the donor’s gross income.

No charitable deductions are allowed, but gift amounts will not be included in the donors’ incomes. IRA gifts may satisfy charitable pledges, according to the IRS.

IRA gifts may not exceed $100,000 and must be made before 2010. Note that up to $100,000 may be distributed for both 2008 and 2009. The “ceilings” on contribution deductions (50% of adjusted gross income for cash, 30% of AGI for capital gain assets), do not apply to IRA gifts.

IRA gifts cannot be made to charitable remainder trusts or other “life income gift” arrangements. Transfers are not permitted to donor advised funds or “supporting organizations.

Source: R&R Newkirk

Alternative Holiday Fair

An out-of-the-ordinary shopping experience
  • Offering fair-trade goods from around the world
  • Highlighting peace & justice and community agencies
  • Serving international foods, including vegetarian dishes
Friday, December 5th 4:3O to 8 p.m.
Saturday, December 6th 7:3O a.m. to 1 p.m.

First Church of the Brethren
2115 Yale Boulevard, Springfield
(located one-half block south of Ash Street between 10th and 11th Streets)

A wonderful selection of items!
♦toys ♦games ♦baskets ♦jewelry ♦desk accessories ♦musical instruments ♦holiday ♦housewares ♦calendars ♦books on Simple Living ♦coffees ♦cocoas ♦chocolates
Friday Supper / Saturday Lunch / Bake Sale

What makes this an Alternative Holiday Fair?
  • The fair supports economic justice for artisans in developing countries by selling their handcrafted items that have been purchased at fair prices.
  • Peace & justice and social agencies are on hand to share the good news of what they are accomplishing. Some sell their own fundraising items.
  • The fair re-focuses our attention on humanity.
What is fair trade?
It is an alternative approach to conventional international trade, which focuses on buying goods at the lowest cost to assure maximum profits. Fair trade is a trading partnership whose aim is to create better opportunities for craftspeople to be self-sustaining. Shoppers can be assured that their purchases help promote social and economic justice.
What organizations will exhibit at the Fair?
  • PORA (Positive Options
  • Referrals & Alternatives)
  • Project Return
  • Heifer International
  • Alternatives for Simple Living
  • First Church of the Brethren
    will sell fair-trade goods
    from SERRV International
    and Ten Thousand Villages.
For additional information, call 217/523-5212.

Singing Simply

Brother Dennis
Original Brethren Songs
written and arranged by
Dennis Webb

November 22, 2008

Naperville Church of the Brethren

Contribution: Freewill Offering

Proceeds towards: IL/WI District Disaster Fund and Naperville COB Building Fund

2008 District Calendar

1All Saint's Day
1MLDT Meeting - place TBA
2National Junior High Sunday
2Daylight Saving Time Ends
4 Election Day
7 - 9 District Conference, Peoria COB
9 Stewardship Sunday
11 Veterans Day
16 Bible Sunday
16 National Donor Sabbath
27 Thanksgiving
30 First Sunday in Advent
1World AIDS Day
6District Leadership team, Champaign
7Second Sunday in Advent
7Christmas Emphasis Offering
10Human Rights Day
14Third Sunday in Advent
21Fourth Sunday in Advent
24Christmas Eve
25Christmas Day
31New Year's Eve