Sunday, February 01, 2009

Praise Report

The Sarpiya family arrived safely in Illinois on January 31st and moved into their apartment on Paradise Boulevard in Rockford. Many thanks, to all of you who contributed time, food, and household items to help in their transition. It has been amazing to watch and see how God provided to make their new apartment a home in such a short period of time. Thank you for all of your prayers. We invite you to continue to keep the Sarpiya’s in your prayers as they begin their new life and ministry in Rockford. Here are their prayer requests:
  1. Thanking God for provision and safe
  2. Pray for adjustment to life in Illinois
  3. Pray for open doors for ministry
  4. Pray for provision for a van
  5. Pray for Anna integration into school we hope that she can start next week
  6. Pray Pray
Samuel & Gretchen Sarpiya

Source: Great Harvest Church Planting Newsletter - February 2009