Sunday, March 01, 2009


After reading the little snippets in last month’s newsletter, I felt God’s yearning, no more of a slap up side the head to tell you all a story. So here goes.

About 4½ years ago I stood in the pulpit and proclaimed on a Sunday morning that in my past I had done a little bit of Disaster Relief work and that I felt God calling me back to it. I laid out my plan before the congregation. There was a Church of the Brethren job site set up in the tiny town of Lucedale, Mississippi that had been hit hard from tornadoes spun off of Hurricane Katrina. I told them that I planned to go and I would like three or four others to go with me. Now it had been over 20 years since anyone from this Church had gone out on a Project. We do have some Child Care workers who are active in Disaster Relief work, but no re-building teams. Well to make a long story short, that winter seven guys loaded up in a van and headed off to Lucedale.

It’s now four years later and we have made a trip somewhere every winter. The team has changed each year but we now have a base of ten Guys in our Church who have been on a Relief trip. Just a few weeks ago six of us made the short trip to Greenwood, Indiana to work for a week. There we did plumbing and electrical work, we painted and got paint on us. We laid floors and put up kitchen cabinets. We hung doors and we hung out with one another and those from around the country. Please forgive me for a moment, for this next part may seem sexist to some of you. Guys, I know that a lot of you out there sometimes find it hard to find your place in the Church. You are “Doer’s”; you need to work with your hands! Well here Gentlemen is the calling for you! Now yes, women are needed on these projects as well, but guys, this is what you are waiting for! If you are interested; the guys in my Church would more than glad to tell you of their escapades around the country serving Christ with their hammers and saws. Give us a call at 815 225-7812 or e-mail us at There is a project waiting for you!! Answer God’s call!

Pastor Rick Koch @ Dutchtown Church of the Brethren