Wednesday, April 01, 2009

New Church Development: Rockford Mission Point to Hold First Evangelistic Outreach Event

Friends of the Sarpiya family through YWAM will spend the week in Rockford with the Sarpiyas reaching out through street evangelism and a Hawaiian concert complete with dancing and Luau. You can partner with the Sarpiyas in their ministry by helping with clean up after the event, praying for the event, attending the Luau dinner which is $10 per person (reservations required) or by coming to the concert and giving through the love offering that will be taken to offset the cost of the outreach event.

The event is April 4th at the address below. The Luau is at 5:30pm with the concert starting at 7:00pm. Contact Samuel Sarpiya at 808-769-0831.

Rockford Community Church
6909 Auburn Road
Rockford IL 61101