Saturday, August 01, 2009


The District leadership team meets at different churches throughout the district. On July 11 they met at the Polo Church and were greeted with a buffet breakfast prepared by the members of the Polo church. Elmer Stauffer celebrated devotions and gave a history of the Polo congregation.

The meeting was gaveled to order by Chairman Wilbur Bowman and the business of the district began to be conducted. The treasurer’s report by Pat Heid shows a working balance of $16,108 in our checking account. We had some interest income as the market recuperated slightly. Christine Knotts sent the financial secretaries report. The half year report is printed elsewhere
in this newsletter.

The District Executive, Kevin Kessler and Moderator, Gil Crosby, both presented reports on their activities since the last meeting. Lynda DeVore, Apostle for the New Church Development Team, also reported on the activities ongoing with church planting. Each member of the Leadership Team is liaison to a group of district churches. Each liaison reported on news from their groups of churches.

The Rockford Church is selling their property and seeking a new location and mission to continue their fellowship as a Church of the Brethren. Kevin is writing a document to clarify how churches handle dissolution, transition and disposal of property. When completed it will be sent to all congregations .

The LT approved purchasing insurance for the tools in the Disaster tool trailer. The trailer is already insured.

There were several resignations in the district. Jewel McNary and Jim Miner resigned as Youth Advisers. The Leadership Team will seek replacements. Willard Dulabaum resigned as the TRIM coordinator. The District administrative assistant, Emily Cleer, submitted her resignation as well. Volunteers, suggestions and viable names would be most welcome by the Leadership to fill these vacancies.

A team begins work on the 2010 budget so it can be presented at the next meeting. The budget must be approved by District Council in November.

District sponsored training events coming in the next few months are Ethics Training October 24 & 29; and Leadership Workshop for pastors October 3 and Feb. 6.

Attendees were: Wilbur Bowman, Chm., Fletcher Farrar, Bob Champlin, Bill Pocklingtron, Vernon Dean, Anna Lee Hisey Pierson. Ex-Officio: Kevin Kessler, Orlando Redelopp, Ed Garrison, Gil Crosby & Evelyn Bowman, Sec. Lynda DeVore of the NCDT.

The Next Meeting will be held August 15 at Cerro Gordo.