Tuesday, September 01, 2009


"The Douglas Park Church of the Brethren is looking forward to celebrating their 100 year anniversary in 2010. The congregation has been busy going through files and storage areas finding interesting historical items of meetinghouse and community ministry. These five pictures were found in this process and we are wondering if you can help identify any of the brothers and sisters in the photos. They may even be from the former Hastings Street Mission and Bible School.

Picture #1  
Picture #1
Picture #2
Picture #2
The photographers marks are embossed on the frames as follows: Picture # 1 frame is embossed with- Roy Householder -- Mt. Morris, IL ( google search indicates that he was a professional photographer in the late 1800's).

Pictures # 3 and # 4 frames are embossed with-- Louis Jacobs 748 12th St. Blvd. Chicago, IL

Picture #3  
Picture #3
Picture #4  
Picture #4
Picture #5
Picture #5
If you can identify any of the persons pictured, please contact Pastor Shirley Petracek at the Douglas Park Church of the Brethren in Chicago, IL 630/790-9568.