Sunday, November 01, 2009


Bethany Fike is a member of the 4-H clubs of America and has chosen an admirable project for Service Learning. Bethany is collecting Children's Books printed in Spanish for a new school in Honduras. The school just opened and the teachers desperately need books to help their students learn how to read.. Her goal is to collect 100 books by January so workers from the Northern Illinois Churches can take them to the students and teachers.

You can buy Spanish language Children's books or if so moved donate funds for Bethany to buy the books.

The books or funds can be sent to: Bethany Fike, 344 S. Main St., Pearl City, IL. 61602 Your name will be placed in the books you donate so the Honduran children will be reminded of your generous gift. Amazon and Scholastic books carry Spanish titles. Books should reach Bethany by December 31st.