Friday, January 01, 2010

District youth retreat

by Walt Wiltschek

The fall district youth retreat, held during district conference (Nov. 6-8), was a fantastic weekend, with 28 youth and advisors representing eight congregations. David Radcliff of New Community Project led two sessions on the theme of "Simple Justice," helping the group consider how they interact with their neighbors and the “least of these” around the world. In addition, National Youth Conference coordinators Audrey Hollenberg and Emily LaPrade were on hand to lead two worship times. Saturday afternoon included a service project at Feed My Starving Children in Aurora. The evening was spent joining district conference for the international dinner and concert. Sunday morning everyone took part in one of the insight sessions and the closing worship. We’re grateful to the Naperville church for their generosity in hosting us for the weekend.

The SPRING district youth retreat has been set for March 19-21 at Springfield Church of the Brethren. As with the fall retreat, cost will be $30 for youth in grades 9-12, free for advisors who accompany their youth. Registration forms will be available at Watch for further details!