Monday, March 01, 2010

I-B-K* Party....

*(Incredible Brethren Kids)

On Sunday February 21 the children of the Peoria Church of the Brethren met in the fellowship hall after Church for two hours of fun and service. The event began with a delicious lunch of chicken nuggets, carrots, goldfish, Rice Krispy bars and lemonade that was prepared by the ladies who help with our children’s programs throughout the year. About 15 children, several Jr. High’s and adults put together a program of games, lunch and a service project to raise money for the children of Haiti.

The children learned a memory verse, I Corinthians 13:1.. “ If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a noisy gong or clanging symbol” They used big, paper hearts with sections of the verse written on them. Then one heart would be covered up as the kids recited the verse until they could do it with all the hearts covered...

After lunch and games the children met in the kitchen to assemble glass jars of cookie mix. One group made chocolate chip cookie mix and the other group made oatmeal, raisin cookie mix. The children made these mixes available for sale in the Narthex after Church the next Sunday. All proceeds will go to help the children of the Haiti earthquake.

The following Sunday the children raised over $150 for the children of Haiti. The children have decided to dedicate this year’s Bible School to helping with School Kits for Haiti’s children.