Thursday, April 01, 2010

Successful Youth Retreat In Springfield

“Christ in the City.” This theme, drawn from the book of Jeremiah, provided the focus as 21 youth and advisors representing six congregations met for the Illinois/Wisconsin spring district youth retreat at Springfield First Church of the Brethren March 19-21.

The centerpiece of the weekend was a visit and neighborhood tour with Springfield member Fletcher Farrar, who has been working with others to rehabilitate run-down homes in the Enos Park area of the city and provide housing for some who could not otherwise afford it. He urged youth to make their faith "an adventure" and to consider their choice of where to live as part of their ministry. After the tour and talk, youth engaged in a service project of picking up trash around the neighborhood.

A Bible study and devotions through the weekend also drew on the theme. Other highlights of the retreat included a scavenger hunt, recreation time, games, and Sunday school and worship at Springfield on Sunday morning.

The hosts at Springfield generously provided two wonderful meals during the weekend, as well as places to take showers in members' homes Saturday afternoon.

The next district youth retreat will be held with district conference, Nov. 5-7 in the Lanark-Pearl City area of the district.

Other Youth Dates To Note: Church of the Brethren National Youth Sunday (May 2)--look for resources at; Camp Emmanuel youth camp (June 6-12); youth activities at Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, Pa. (July 3-7); National Youth Conference, Fort Collins, Colo. (July 17-22); Camp Emmaus youth camp (Aug. 1-7).

Watch the district youth website for news and updates: