Thursday, July 01, 2010

From the Moderator

This month I would like to share both as moderator and as the pastor at First Church in Chicago. Though we are small in number, we are not small in mission. And summer gets quite busy.

Our largest ministry during the summer is the DOOR ministry—Discovering Opportunities for Outreach and Reflection (DOOR covers six cities in the US). The motto is, See the face of God in the city. Youth groups from churches around the country come to work on mission projects such as soup kitchens, shelters, AIDS centers, elder care, (over 500 youth come through the church over a twelve week period), and during the evening listen to committed Chicagoans speak of their ministries. Speakers include the Men of Destiny (a gospel a cappella group of former homeless addicts), a hip hop poet, and someone formerly homeless now working with the Coalition to End Homelessness.

Additionally, through poetry and story-telling, our hip hop poet conducts a six week session on HIV/AIDS awareness in the sanctuary, with 14 to 18 year-old young women. Then, members from First Church, a Mennonite congregation that shares the building, and community members work our 20-year old church/community garden; a friend leads local public high school youth in a horticulture project. Later in August we will hold a week of Vacation Bible School.

Tuesdays we hold a noon-hour biblical literacy class, and Wednesday evening we gather for a faith-issues class while a thriving AA group gathers in the basement. And, of course, we also worship Sunday mornings.

Life at First Church in the summer is busy—blessedly so. If you come through the city, we invite you to visit to see the face of God in the city.

Orlando Redekopp, Moderator
Pastor, First Church
Illinois-Wisconsin District