Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Progressive Brethren Gathering Announced

The third Progressive Brethren Gathering will be held on November 12-14, 2010 at the North Manchester Church of the Brethren in Indiana. Sponsored by Womaen’s Caucus, Voices for an Open Spirit, and the Brethren Mennonite Council for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Interests (BMC), the conference will explore the theme: Forward Together: Conversations Towards an Enlivened Community.

Ruthann K Johansen, President of Bethany Theological Seminary, will be the keynote speaker. Her presentation is entitled, “Becoming Incarnational People.” In addition to the keynote address, various workshops will offer opportunities for conversation and reflection on Saturday afternoon. Topics will include white theology and structures of racism, animal liberation theology, undoing heterosexual privilege, and trends in religious education. Additional workshop proposals are being accepted.

Consistent with other progressive gatherings, vibrant music and worship will be an important part of the event. Debbie Eisenbise, pastor of the Skyridge COB in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and Kreston Lipscomb, pastor of First COB in Springfield, IL, are scheduled to preach, and Mutual Kumquat will perform.

Daisy Schmidt, one of the conference organizers, comments: “Progressives are people who recognize God’s spirit at work in the church and the world and are open to the new directions that spirit may be leading us. The conference is about claiming the spirit of the early Brethren, who were hungry for new conversations and new conversation partners.”

Cost of the two day event is $100, with limited scholarships available and special rates for students and children. On-line registration is available at

For additional information, please contact Carol Wise at 612.343.2060, or email