Monday, November 01, 2010

Happenings at Hurricane Creek

On Sunday, Sept. 28 we held our annual Sunday school picnic in the park. The Carlyle City park was the setting for the gathering and despite the damp, chilly, blustery day everyone enjoy the fellowship & good food.

On Sat., Oct. 9 we had an old fashioned barn (goat shed) and fence raisin' for our Pastor and his wife, Bro. Kirk and Sis. Genie Fifer. They live in rural Olney. The job was accomplished with lots of hard work, laughter and several delicious meals. Several people from church went on Friday evening and camped out, enjoying a Wiener roast with all the yummy trimmings. We held a very informal church service on Sunday with everyone who were able to stay over for that day.

On Sunday, October 24 we held our second annual pastor appreciation dinner at a local Ponderosa. This year, the only surprise part was a shower for the pastor's new grandson. Pastor Kirk and Sis. Genie were informally attired due to the fact that they were going to pick up the new residents for their newly constructed goat shed after church. We enjoyed the food and fellowship, always having a good time sharing with other members of God's family.