District Leadership Team Meets in Peoria
A Constitutional amendment has been proposed for the inclusion of the New Church Development Team into the mission of the District. The Team will continue to exist as a parallel entity for continued support for the Rockford Church plant. The Leadership Team will take the responsibility of board members.
Jim Lehman presented the Financial Report as submitted by Pat Heid, our treasurer. The District at the present time is meeting expenses with the contributions coming in from District Churches, investments and individual contributions. The District works with a very modest budget. A new budget was presented and will be brought to the District Conference for approval.
The District Leadership Team presently acts as the Leadership Team for two congregations in the district, Batavia and Douglas Park. The Team discussed possibilities for continuing ministries at these facilities.
The Rockford Church was commended for the wonderful ceremony where they gifted their building to the Rockford Community Church pastored by Samuel Sarpiya.
The Polo Church and the Canton Church have established property covenants into their deeds. Several other Churches are working on placing these protective covenants into their deeds and constitutions.
The next meeting will be held at the Dixon Church of the Brethren on September 17th.
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