Saturday, October 01, 2011

District Leadership Team Meets in Dixon

The District Leadership Team held their regular meeting at the Dixon Church of the Brethren Sept. 17th. The District Executive, Kevin Kessler, opened the meeting with words from Matthew 5: “You are the light of the world.” Members shared, at Kevin’s request, about good works they do.

The Visioning Team reported on the progress they are making. Discussions on new Property and Funding, Church Development and a reconstituted Disaster Teams were presented. Another item discussed was the possibility of the LT meeting fewer times during the year but LT members would also serve as liaisons to the different Ministry Teams.

The Team reviewed happenings at the Batavia and Douglas Park Churches. Batavia has ceased holding services and the LT has assumed responsibility for the property. Douglas Park continues to hold Sunday Services and a feeding program under the District Leadership Team Meets in Dixon direction of Pastors Herman Ware and Shirley Petracek. The LT will be seeking help from area Churches.

The Rockford Community Church has been welcomed as a fellowship of the Church of the Brethren into the District.

The Board will next meet at the District Conference at Lake Williamson.