Sunday, January 01, 2012

Leadership Team meets at Neighborhood Church

The Illinois-Wisconsin District Leadership Team met January 14th at the Neighborhood Church of the Brethren. We were sorry to hear that Jim Lehman’s mother had passed away and the Team extends it condolences to Jim and family.

The Team Chairperson, Anna Lee Hisey Pierson, read from John 15 and asked that we hear it with new ears, feel it with new hearts and with a new spirit. She suggested a book for the team to consider by Sarah Young titled “Jesus is Calling.” She quoted an excerpt that says “God’s riches are sufficient for my needs.” She then opened the meeting with prayer.

The Team reviewed the Visioning Statement as presented by Kevin Kessler, DE. Many times we move forward mechanically like we have done before but we need to seek what God is asking us to do. There is great joy in receiving what God gives and has given us. The DE then challenged the LT to be able to recite the Mission Statement from memory. The LT will be bringing the Vision and Mission Statements to the District Ministry Teams throughout the year as they visit in their Liaison capacities. The Liaison positions were revised with Leadership members assigned to each of the Ministry Teams.

The reports from District Conference were very positive and Moderator Lisa Fike and the Program and Arrangements Committee were commended for a great job. The opening Love Feast set the tone for the whole meeting and produced a good feeling for District Conference.

The Leadership Team will be meeting at different Churches throughout the year. We want to invite the host congregations and neighboring Churches to feel free to attend LT meetings. We really appreciate the Churches of the District hosting our meetings and especially would like to share ideas with the congregations in the District.

The LT discussed the events that have transpired at the Batavia Church of the Brethren. (New Beginnings congregation) They have ceased functioning and passed on responsibility to the District. The Leadership Team has been paying the bills with resources from the parsonage rental. We have been working with a Title company to clear the title which is in the name of the German Baptist Brethren. It will be changed to The Church of the Brethren and then the property will be sold. The LT proposes a closing Worship Service and auction of the contents of the Church on March 3rd, 2012. Brethren Churches are invited to participate in the service and auction. The Team recognized Bill Jacobs who has been very diligent in caring for the property during the period of inactivity and will present him a gift of thanks.

We need candidates for Treasurer because the current Treasurer, Pat Heid, has faithfully served the two terms allowed in the constitution. If she were asked to serve longer the Constitution would need to be amended to modify any term limits. Pat is to be commended for the outstanding work she has done the past 6 years. The Gifts Discernment Team will be asked to submit names for consideration. Kevin proposed that the District Directory and District Conference booklet be distributed electronically which would save the District several hundred dollars. Another advantage would be ease of updating the documents. Beth Carpentier, Administrative Assistant, and Kevin will be working with Program and Arrangements to pursue this further.

The 2012 District Conference will again be held at Lake Williamsville and be hosted by the Virden Church who celebrate their 100th anniversary this year. The theme comes from District Moderator, Fletcher Farrar, citing “The Courage of Daniel.” Events will be held at Lake Williamson, the Virden Church and Pleasant Hill retirement center. Program and Arrangements are looking for a dynamic speaker for the Sunday Service and entertainment for Saturday evening. All suggestions are welcome.

The meeting closed with prayer by Moderator, Fletcher Farrar.