Sunday, April 01, 2012

Greetings from Camp Emmanuel

We’ve had a wonderfully mild winter and are in hopes summer will treat us just as kindly. Please check the District calendar for camps and dates for Camp Emmanuel.

Please consider serving during work week, April 14 – 21, for however long you can: a day or two or the entire week. Jim and Clareen Dunn are the cooks so you’ll be well fed. The fellowship of shared effort is not to be under estimated.

Work Week Projects:

Rebuild spillway bridge, Repair electrical in Cottonwood cabin Remove or repair playground equipment, Cut firewood, Power wash paddle boats Put boats in the lake, Clean cabins-porch-chapel-pavilion, Set out picnic tables & garbage cans Clean kitchen & dining area, Check smoke detectors in cabins

Paint foursquare grid on basketball court, Hang volley ball net and swings

Re-glaze & paint chapel windows, Paint Cottonwood cabin

Blessings from Mike and Ruth Siburt, Camp Managers