Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Illinois Central Song & Story Fest: All Aboard!

July 1-7, 2012 • Camp Emmanuel - Astoria, Illinois  

A Family Camp featuring Brethren musicians and storytellers in the woods and river valleys of central Illinois! We’re going to celebrate railroads and trains this year at the Fest and take some of our themes and titles from songs and stories about trains. We’ll explore the impact of our increasingly virtual (not to be confused with virtuous) world on our relationships and on the role of the church in keeping face-to-face communities alive. So join us in Riding the Rails in Comfort. Climb aboard our train Bound for Glory! These people will help make the trip enjoyable:

Storytellers and Workshop Leaders 
Deanna Brown, Bob Gross, Kathy Guisewite, Reba Herder, Jonathan Hunter, Jim Lehman, Sue Overman, Campfire, Workshop, and Concert Musicians, Rhonda & Greg Baker, Patti Ecker and Louise Brodie, Peg Lehman, LuAnne Harley & Brian Kruschwitz, Jenny Stover-Brown and Jeffrey Faus, Chris Good and Drue Gray of Mutual Kumquat, Mike Stern 
Jump the train to the lake at Camp Emmanuel!

An Intergenerational Camp for All Ages -

Single persons and families of any size and shape will enjoy this combination of performance and participation in the woods and fields and valleys of central Illinois.

Mornings - Intergenerational gatherings and worship will be followed by workshops for adults, children,
and youth to help us:
  • Reconnect with the God of all creation and with each other
  • Tell the stories that make for peace and rekindle faith
  • Sing the words of our hearts in gratitude for the unceasing power of life
  • Root and ground ourselves in the Jesus Way
  • Deepen our connections with each other and the earth
  • Celebrate peace, creation, and life
  • Dance in circles, lines, and squares
  • Learn the skills of peace-making and justice-seeking
Afternoons - Free for family time, recreation, nature
walks, story swaps, and jamming.

Evenings - Campfires, snacks, and concerts or a folk dance.

Song & Story Fest #16:

This is the sixteenth summer in a row for these Song and Story Fests and is our first venture into the great state of Illinois, crossroads of America and home to denominational headquarters. The Fest will begin on Sunday evening, July 1, with supper at 5:30 p.m., We’ll close the Fest on Saturday morning, July 7, after breakfast, worship and hugs. This should allow plenty of time to get to Saint Louis, Missouri, for those attending Annual Conference.

On Earth Peace will again co-sponsor the Fest, providing leadership and administrative support.

Camp Emmanuel is located three miles south of Astoria, Ill., (on US Rt. 24) some 17 miles west of Havana (55 miles west of I-55 on US 136) and the Illinois River.. Check it all out on the Camp website at http://www.cob-net.org/camp/emmanuel/index.htm which also has directions,

Lodging - Rustic cabins or dorms furnished with bunk beds, or in your own tent or RV.. Please bring your own bedding and towels as the Camp doesn’t provide these. There are a number of hookups for RVs. Hot showers are provided in common bathhouses.

Food - Arlene Kindy and her crew will cook for us again this year. Please bring a new table grace to add to our repertoire.

Craft Project - Contact Ken if you have a good craft project to share and lead.

Registration and Fees:

Registration includes all meals, on-site facilities, and leadership; and is based upon age. Children 3 and under are welcome, no charge.
Adults $ 260.00
Teens 13 - 19 $ 200.00
Children 4 - 12 $ 130.00
Maximum Fee per Family $ 780.00
Please register now and remit the entire fee by June 1. Registrations post-marked after June 1 should add 10% as a late fee. No discount for off-site, tent or RV housing. Daily Fee - $45/adult, $35/teen, $25/child, $140/family; includes all meals.

Contact Bob Gross, On Earth Peace director, at 260-982-7751 or bgross@onearthpeace.org if you need financial help.

Register on-line at: 


Call Darlene Johnson at the 410-635-8704 to pay by credit card or ask registration questions; you may also mail registrations or checks to: On Earth Peace, PO Box 188, New Windsor MD 21776 Phone: 410-635-8704; Fax: 410-635-8707; oep@onearthpeace.org

For additional information or with program questions contact: Ken Kline Smeltzer, Director, 1452 Willowbrook Drive, Boalsburg PA 16827-1668 814-571-0495 (mobile); 814-466-6491 (home); or bksmeltz@comcast.net

Jump the train to the lake at Camp Emmanuel!
Camp Emmanuel Web Site