Saturday, September 01, 2012

Calendar of District Events

1 - Camp Emmaus Appreciation Dinner
3 - Labor Day
3 - Family Camp - Camp Emmanuel
3 - Family Camp - Camp Emmaus
16 - BVS Fall Orientation (through Oct 5)
21 - International Day of Peace
28 - IL Conf. of Churches Gathering @ Champaign
29 - Camp Emmanuel 7th Annual Fish Fry
7 - World Communion Sunday
13 - Program and Arrangements Committee @ Canton
20 - Camp Emmanuel Fall Work Day
20 - Ministerial Leadership Dev. Team, TBA
20–23 - Mission and Ministry Board @ Elgin, IL
24-25 - Midwest DE Meeting @ Camp Mack, IN
28 - Reformation Sunday
2 - Minister's Pre-Conf. Workshop @ Carlinville
2-4 - IL/WI District Conference @ Carlinville
4 - National Jr. High Sunday
4 - Daylight Savings Time Ends
10 - Camp Emmaus Leaf Raking
10-11 - Powerhouse Youth Conference @ Manchester University
16-17 - Leadership Team Retreat @ Camp Emmaus
16–18 - Mission Alive @ Lititz, PA
22 - Thanksgiving Day
27 - IL Conf. of Churches @ Springfield
1 - Ministerial Leadership Dev. Team, TBA
2 - First Sunday of Advent
25 - Christmas Day
31 - New Year’s Eve