Saturday, December 01, 2012

Lands of the Bible Study Tour in January, 2014

In January 2014, Bridgewater College chaplain Dr. Robbie Miller will again lead a 15 day study tour of Israel/Palestine as part of his Lands of the Bible interterm course. The tour, conducted by the University of the Holy Land in Jerusalem, will visit sites of biblical and religious importance including Jerusalem, Jericho, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Capernaum, Caesarea, Masada, Qumran, Shechem, Samaria and many more. The tentative itinerary is attached. The Susquehanna Valley Ministry Center will grant 8 CEUs for the study tour. Pastors and members of the Illinois and Wisconsin District are welcome to participate in the tour as space permits. Inquiries should be directed to Robbie Miller at or at 540-828-5383.