For the first article I’m submitting to
the District Newsletter in 2013, I
thought I’d share a few resources
that I find either enlightening or
helpful, or both. It is known that I
like to read. Out of the 40 plus books
I read last year, here are the 5 top picks.
- Planting Churches in the 21st Century by Stuart
Murray (Herald Press, 2010): I think that church
planting will have more of an effect on church
revitalization than the inverse. This book supports
my thinking.
- With: Reimagining the Way You Relate to God
by Skye Jethani (Thomas Nelson, Inc., 2011):
Jethani’s thesis is stop living your life under, over,
from and for God and start living in communion
with God.
- Grace Goes to Prison by Melanie G. Snyder
(Brethren Press, 2009): A wonderful story about
Grace Marie Fortney Hamilton’s work in the prison
system, revealing the importance of prison ministry
and how it makes a difference in the lives of those
who are incarcerated.
- Great Expectations by Charles Dickens (Halcyon
Press): I try to read at least one classic a year. I had
the opportunity to read this book with a clergy book
- Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin
(Simon and Schuster, 2005): A look at why Abraham
Lincoln chose cabinet members who came from
different political parties, and how those differences
worked to the advantage of moving the country
forward during a very tumultuous time.
Some internet resources that I enjoy and find
helpful are:
- Leading Ideas, an email resource from Lewis Center
for Church Leadership (www.churchleadership.com)
that has a variety of good articles on leadership,
specifically geared for the church.
- Alban Weekly, another email resource that comes
from the Alban Institute (www.alban.org). These
articles are very often helpful for understanding
ways to navigate in the changing church culture.
- TED.com (www.ted.com) is a place to find
wonderful video presentations on a large variety of
subjects and pertinent topics. Many are intellectually
invigorating, some humorous, others inspirational.
This is one of my favorite Internet sites to visit.
- The Text This Week (www.textweek.com) is a
helpful site with a wide range of resources based on
the common lectionary. I use this site extensively
when preparing for sermons and worship.
- Christian Century is one I enjoy, as it keeps up
on what is happening in ecumenical circles, and
provides articles on a variety of topics. Plus, two
issues a year recommend books to read. My favorite
And last but not least, two good friends:
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