Friday, March 01, 2013

Small Congregation Seminar

Are you a leader in a small congregation? Are you looking for a way to gather with others for a time of encouragement? If so, “Strengthening Your Small Congregation” may be just what you need.

This one-day seminar will be held Sat., April 13, at Camp Alexander Mack in Milford, IN

Keynote speaker Margaret Marcuson will present a conversation about “Leaders Who Last: Sustaining Yourself in Small Church Ministry,” and several workshops will be held including “Worship in Your Own Voice,” “Money and Your Ministry,” and “The Pastoral Care Team.”

This unique event was inspired by two pastors with a strong desire to support other leaders in small congregations. You can read their whole story in the January 10 edition of Newsline.

To find out more about this important and uplifting event, visit or e-mail or call 800-323-8039 ext. 303.

“Strengthening Your Small Congregation” is sponsored in part by Congregational Life Ministries. To support the life-changing work of these ministries visit

Reprinted from E-Brethren Newsline.