Monday, April 01, 2013

Give the Gift of Warmth

As Mother’s Day approaches what mother wouldn’t want her child to be given the gift of warmth? This Mother’s Day join with many other congregations who are honoring all moms with compassion and action by organizing a Blankets+ offering. Your action through the Church World Service Blankets+ Program gives hope in times of need and crisis.

In 2012, Blankets+ contributions allowed CWS to quickly respond to the victims of Hurricane Sandy by supplying over 10,400 blankets. Disasters can occur in a split second without warning. Through a Blankets+ Sunday your congregation or group shows calamity victims they matter.

Mother’s Day, Father’s Day or any day is a good day to plan a Blankets+ offering. The CWS Illinois regional office thanks you for your interest and compassion and looks forward to working with you in Blankets+ ministry. Contact: Heather Willson at 888-297-2767 or to order your Blankets+ offering supplies. Find out more at