District Conference at Mt. Morris Church of the Brethren

In keeping with Brethren and District Conference tradition the Youth served ice cream in the Fellowship Hall. All donations going to the Youth in anticipation of their trip to National Youth Conference next year.

Saturday morning, after the congregation served a Continental Breakfast, the business meeting was called to order by Moderator, Mark Flory Steury. Moderator Elect, Stan Rodabaugh and Secretary, Bill Williams completed the table conducting business. Commissioning of the Delegates and the Minutes from 2012 were approved. The slate of Delegates was presented by the Gifts and Discernment Committee. The slate was approved.

The business sessions went smoothly with Ministry Teams, Brethren Homes, and Camps reporting progress from the preceding year. One sad item of business this year was the dissolving of the Douglas Park Congregation. Several people recalled memories of Douglas Park including Pastor Shirley Patracek.

After the business session concluded the newly elected team members were Commissioned. The New Moderator, Stan Rodabaugh and Moderator Elect, Dana McNeil were consecrated with a laying on of hands.

After all the official business was concluded the announcing of the winners of the Silent Auction was met with anticipation of eager bidders. After the Silent Auction Pastor Rick Koch led in the live auction.
Sister Esther Frey spoke on Renewal in her 95.5 years, plus 3 days.
The Conference closed Saturday evening after a great time of fellowship, business and Brethren hospitality.
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