Youth Spring Retreat

When: Registration will begin at 7 pm on Friday Night. Retreat participants will be dismissed on Sunday after worship around Noon.
Who: Everyone currently in 9th through 12th grades during the 2013-2014 school year. Friends and advisors are welcome.
Where: The Naperville Church of the Brethren is located at 1020 W Jefferson Ave; Naperville IL, 60540-5120
Service Project: Feed My Starving Children. Please consider making an extra donation to them at if you donate mention the Church of the Brethren Youth Retreat in the "Tell us your story of what led you to give today" box. We will be at the Aurora facility.
Cost: $40 for youth — no charge for advisors. Make checks payable to "Illinois/Wisconsin District Youth"
What to Bring: Bible, Games, Sleeping Bag, Snacks to share, Towel. Closed-Toed Shoes are required for the service project.
Registration Deadline: March 2nd, 2014. Note that the retreat will be cancelled if we don't have 12 youth registered by the deadline.
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