Wednesday, October 01, 2014

District Leadership Team Meets at Neighborhood Church

The Illinois-Wisconsin District Leadership Team met at the Neighborhood Church in Montgomery on October 11. Those present were Members: Mandy Rahn, Chm; Jim Lehman, Asst. Chm.; Vicki Matheny; Gary Yoder; and Purvi Satvedi. Ex Officio Members: Kevin Kessler, DE; Stan Rodabaugh, Moderator; Dana McNeil, Mod. Elect; Gordon Heid, Treasurer; Gil Crosby, Sec.; Visitors: Pat Heid, Judd Peter, Mark Flory Steury.

Mandy opened with devotions using John 4:35 as the text. The Harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Why do we fear telling others about Christ? She closed with prayer.

We welcomed Kevin back from his Sabbatical.

The financial report was good except for a downturn in the stock market which resulted in negative income from investments. Expenses for Douglas Park were $12,256 and will be offset with a transfer from the general fund. Gordon announced a new software system that makes the reports much easier to read.

The District Executive reported he is working with one congregation in a pastoral search and has met with the Ministry Team, who are renewing licenses, and the Program and Arrangements Team prior to District Conference. Kevin apprised the Team of the pending sale of the Douglas Park property for $170,000. The sale of the property had been approved at an earlier meeting by the LT acting as the Board for Douglas Park. Two individuals have purchased the property, Amy Little and James Ravenscroft.

A query was presented to the board by the Neighborhood Church stating: "How should Districts respond to churches and pastors who perform same sex marriages.” The LT voted to bring the query to District Conference. The Polo Church presented a query asking what the District and Denomination can do to promote renewable energy, reduce CO2 , reduce dependence on fossil fuels and support stewardship of the earth. Because the query had not been approved by the Polo LT or congregation it was returned to the Church.

The LT will respond to a letter sent by the Highland Ave. Church to the LT and to congregations in the District.

We need a volunteer to serve on the Gifts Discernment Team from the NE Region. The LT approved the appointment of Wil Nolen to a new 3 Yr term on the Property and Asset Mgt. Team.

The Leadership Team recognized the service of Jim Lehman on the Leadership Team. Jim's six years of service ends this year.