Sunday, February 01, 2015

Ponderings from the Moderator - Dana McNeil

“I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me”

To God be the Glory

This month I just have a couple of things to share and a request. First is that I want, No, I need to share with you the miracle that we witnessed in the Peoria congregation this past week. A 17 year old young man was taken hold of by Christ Jesus and pulled out of the reaching grasp of death. Please join with us in praising the Lord for surrounding this young man with the right people at just the right time to save his life and begin the healing that he desperately needs. To God be the Glory!

Second, as I visit with and talk with congregations around the district, I am excited to hear stories about what God is doing in and through you as you witness for Christ. Each of these ministries is changing lives for the better in our communities and in our congregations. I praise God for these ministries. Please keep sharing these stories as I plan to share more about them in a future article.

Lastly, as we enter the season of Lent in just a few days, I am asking if we would all join in a day of prayer and fasting as a District on Ash Wednesday. Some things to lift in prayer include:
  • Prayers for our sister congregations and the important ministries that Christ is doing through each one.
  • Prayers for our Brothers and Sisters in Nigeria and guidance for how we can answer Christ’s call to serve them.
  • Prayers for the district leadership as we seek discernment on important issues for our life and ministry together.
  • Prayers for our denominational leaders and the ministries they lead.
  • Prayers for all of our brothers and sisters in Christ that we will have ears to hear and eyes to see the Glory of Christ this season.