Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Samuel Sarpiya, MDiv connections

Describe your experience at Bethany Seminary in one sentence.

Using the word Journey, I would say my faith is on a path of trajectory of growth, or I would say growing and can be attributed to God using Bethany experience.

What has been your most rewarding class so far at Bethany?

All the classes here are rewarding, I can say something about each class but that is not what you are looking for. My most rewarding is understanding the Brethren Theology or Ecclessiology; Brethren Beliefs and Practices.

How has your time at Bethany impacted your faith journey?

So much happens in such a short time, like drinking from a fire hydrant, which could be daunting but yet one can be so filled quickly. I have come to appreciate seminary as it has put many things into perspective and makes following Jesus and sharing Jesus with others easier and relational.

Reprinted from Bethany Bits, Bethany Theological Seminary, Richmond, IN