Monday, June 01, 2015

Annual Conference Witness to the Host City

Metropolitan Ministries

This year’s Witness to the Host City in Tampa is supporting the work of Metropolitan Ministries, a faith-based organization who serves the poor and homeless families in four Florida counties. Their mission is to “…care for the homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless in our community through services that alleviate suffering, promote dignity and instill self-sufficiency – as an expression of the ongoing ministry of Jesus Christ.”

The ministry serves 69,000 meals and goes through 16,500 diapers every month. It operates Miracle Place, transitional housing for 100 families including 250 children. The scope of their work also includes offering financial services, employment skills, classes and counseling, and spiritual development to name just a few. All in all, over 25,000 families get help each year from Metropolitan Ministries.

Those attending Annual Conference can help this ministry by bringing donations of items that will be used in this ongoing work with the homeless in the Tampa area. The items most needed are:

Hygiene Items: Soap, Shampoo, Conditioner, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Deodorant, Shaving Cream, Disposable Razors

Diapers: Sizes 4, 5, and 6

Socks: Men’s, Women’s, Children’s

Thank you for your gracious generosity. The items will be collected as you enter the hall for the Sunday morning service and presented to Metropolitan Ministries on Tuesday afternoon.

To read more about Metropolitan Ministries visit their website at