Wednesday, June 01, 2016

DE Ponderings

Upon reflection, I don’t recall a time in my life when I’ve experienced as much loss, transition, and uncertainty, all in a matter of a few months, than in the first several months of this year. I’m still trying to understand what it all may mean, and, likely, will only derive partial meaning, never fully comprehending the experiences.

In 2 Corinthians 4, the apostle Paul is stating the difficulty involved in sharing the good news, the “treasure in clay jars.” He speaks about being perplexed, afflicted, driven to despair, persecuted, and struck down. But through all of this Paul states that he and his ministry companions “do not lose heart.” The effort may be overwhelming but it does not overcome them. The extraordinary power of the good news, the “treasure,” is greater than all the difficulties they endure. Thus, they do not lose heart and are able to continue the work and ministry to which they were called.

How easy it can be to lose heart in the face of loss, transition, and uncertainty. So, like Paul, I find that which can help me retain stamina to continue work and ministry. Undoubtedly, the gospel, good news, provides a necessary boost, and then within the gospel framework a combination of items are helpful. One such item is a hymn that is particularly meaningful to me. “Great is Thy Faithfulness” speaks of God’s constant love, mercy, and grace that that never fail, never change, and are never lost, even in times of distress and perplexity. Regardless of experiences in life, I am assured that “morning by morning new mercies I see.” These new mercies are blessings of abundance yet “with ten thousand beside.” God is faithful no matter what. When all else seems to crumble or fall apart, God’s faithfulness will not.

Upon this foundation I place my trust and know that I will be sustained regardless of loss, transition, and uncertainty.