Saturday, October 01, 2016

Brethren Disaster Ministries Needs District Volunteers

The major Church of the Brethren Disaster Ministries program is designed to assist in the rebuilding of homes and nurturing children affected by natural disasters. In 2015 over 1200 volunteers contributed nearly 67,000 hours serving 65 families nationwide. With the ongoing frequent news of major disasters the District is formulating plans to increase its involvement in this program.

A tentative goal has been established to send a District team of 10 to 15 volunteers to a rebuild site the two weeks of January 22-28 and November 12-18, 2017. Potential sites are Detroit where flooding in 2014 affected over 100,000 homes. Other possibilities are near Columbia, SC; St. Louis, MO; and sites in Louisiana and Mississippi. The Illinois Wisconsin District is teaming with the Indiana South Central District to fill the teams for these weeks.

Volunteers for the week-long service are housed in a local church or similar facility, and receive 3 prepared meals each day. The only significant cost is travel to and from the site, which is typically covered by the District or the volunteer’s local church. Only basic construction skills are required, and some volunteers also are involved in meal preparation.

Don’t be surprised if the gift you receive from serving in this capacity with fellow Christians in Christ’s name equals or exceeds the gift of your contribution.

To indicate your interest in participating, or to request more information, contact Loren Habegger, District Disaster Coordinator, at, or 630-707-7446. Additional BDM information is at