Wednesday, May 01, 2019

From Newsline

  • The Church of the Brethren seeks a fulltime manager of information technology to work at the denomination’s General Offices in Elgin, Ill. The major responsibility is to manage the information technology needs and activities for the General offices including application design, development, maintenance, and network applications at the direction of the director of Information Technology. Required skills and knowledge include understanding of Church of the Brethren heritage, theology, and polity; ability to articulate and operate out of the vision of the Church of the Brethren; knowledge and experience to implement a vision for ongoing technical growth that will coordinate efforts at many levels of the denomination; strong technical skills in database management and systems analysis; verbal and written communication skills; positive customer service attitude; ability to assist in budget development and management; knowledge of Raiser’s Edge system, VOIP phone systems, Microsoft Office Suite, and related products; a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in information technology or related field. Applications are being received and will be reviewed on an ongoing basis until the position is filled. Send a resume to or to Human Resources Manager, Church of the Brethren, 1451 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL 60120-1694; 800-323-8039 ext. 367. The Church of the Brethren is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
  • The Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) “turn faith into action for peace,” said an announcement of the latest Dunker Punks Podcast. “Experience what that means through this interview brought to us by the Office of Peacebuilding and Policy. Monica McFadden interviews Tori Bateman on her recent trip with the CPT delegation to Iraqi Kurdistan. Learn more about becoming involved and find out what Christianity, peacemaking, and tea have in common!” Listen at . Visit for more information.
  • The Global Women’s Project is announcing its annual Mother’s Day Gratitude Project. This is “an opportunity for you to honor a woman you know and love by celebrating and supporting women around the world,” said an announcement. “Instead of buying more material gifts for your loved one, express your gratitude with a gift that keeps on giving. In return, your chosen recipient(s) will receive a lovely, hand-written card indicating that a gift has been made in her honor, with a brief description of GWP.” For more information go to .
  • News of the launch of a new United Nations data tool on modern-day slavery has been shared by Doris Abdullah, the Church of the Brethren’s representative to the UN. This interactive data tool called Delta 8.7 has been created by the UN University Centre for Policy Research, and “shows a mismatch between where modern slavery occurs, and where governments are spending resources to address it, [and] could help make a positive impact on policy debates surrounding the issue,” said a UN announcement. “Check out a modern slavery map which includes information on the organizations that work with the business sector to combat modern slavery.” Find the map and more information at .