National Older Adult Conference
2-6, 2019
** NOAC is a
spirit-filled gathering of adults who love learning and discerning together,
exploring God’s call for their lives and living out that call by sharing their
energy, insight, and legacy with their families, communities, and the world.
** Registration
- General Registration will open May 1.
- Please register online if you are able to do so. You
can find the link at
- If you need a paper registration form, please call
1-800-323-8039, ext. 302 and leave a message.
- Early registration for those who need to reserve a room
in Terrace (handicap accessible, close to events) will be open April
- Registration fee before July 15 is $195. $20 off for
first time attendees.
** Worship Services
every day with Church of the Brethren preachers: Dawn Ottoni Wilhelm, Jennifer
Keeney Scarr, Jeanne Davies, Walt Wiltschek, Dennis Webb.
** Keynote Speakers
Sister Joan Chittister, Professor Drew Hart, Musician Ken Medema and Actor Ted Swartz.
** NOAC News Team,
Dave, Larry, and Chris will once again provide informative and humorous “news”
reports each day.
** Interest groups
every afternoon on a variety of topics.
** Arts and Crafts
** Day Trips to the
Biltmore Estate, Basilica of St. Lawrence and Ashville Botanical Gardens, Carl
Sandburg Home and Farm, Arboretum of North Carolina, Museum of the Cherokee
Indian, and a Hike on the Blue Ridge Parkway. You can sign up for day trips
when you register.
** Service Projects
include reading with students at the Lake Junaluska Elementary School. We will
be collecting books to donate to the school. Please bring your favorite
children’s books to donate. We will also assemble 1000 Hygiene Kits.
** Afternoon Programs
will include the J Creek Cloggers, Birds of Prey, and an organ recital/ hymn
sing led by Jonathan Emmons and Bev Anspaugh.
** Welcome Festival
Monday afternoon (9/2) with games, music, tie dying, and fellowship.
** Fundraising Walk
around the lake.
** Talent Nights on
Tuesday and Thursday nights.
** Exhibit Hall with
information about Church of the Brethren and related agencies and
** Brethren Press
Bookstore with book signings by our Keynote Speakers.
** Recreational
Activities include garden walks, boat rides on the lake, walking trails,
tennis, swimming pool, Fitness Center, golf.
** Early Morning Bible
Studies led by Nancy Sollenberger Heishman and Fred Bernhard.
** Morning Bible Study
led by Paula Bowser.
** Lodging at Lake
Junaluska must be reserved through the Lake Junaluska rental office at
800-222-4930 ext. 1.
** District Buses are
coming from several districts. Contact your District Office for more
NOAC Planning Team includes: Glenn Bollinger, Karen Dillon, Rex Miller, Pat
Roberts, Paula Ziegler Ulrich, Christy Waltersdorff (Coordinator), Josh
Brockway (Discipleship Ministries staff), and Stan Dueck (Discipleship
Ministries staff).
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